PUMA Celebrates 75th Anniversary with Lasers | Pangolin Laser Systems

PUMA Celebrates 75th Anniversary with Lasers

Laser artists program lasers for the Puma fashion show

In recent years, laser shows have become increasingly popular, and are being used in various types of events and celebrations, and even fashion shows. One such event where laser technology was used was at Puma's 75th Anniversary "Forever. Faster." The Show at the Yoyogi Second Gymnasium in Japan.

Puma is a renowned sportswear brand that has been around for 75 years, and to celebrate this milestone, they put on a spectacular show in Tokyo, Japan on March 10th, 2023. One of the main highlights of the show was the laser show that was created using Pangolin's Beyond software programmed by Tomoyuki Soramoto.

Pangolin's Beyond software is a professional laser show software that is used to create and control laser shows. It is a powerful tool that allows users to create complex laser show displays with ease. The software is used by many professional laser show companies around the world, and is known for its versatility and creative freedom.

For Puma's 75th Anniversary show, Pangolin's Beyond software was used to create a mesmerizing laser show that captivated the audience. With a total of 20 laser show projectors used, the systems were carefully placed around the venue to create an immersive experience for the audience.  

The laser show started with a breathtaking display of colorful laser beams that danced around the venue and synchronized perfectly with the music. The laser show featured laser effects like beams and waves projecting over the audience's heads and onto the stage.  The team even had the signature PUMA logo installed in the back of the runway projecting laser beams from its eyes to add to the cutting-edge look.

The show was a perfect blend of technology and art, and it showcased the incredible capabilities of laser show projectors and Pangolin's Beyond software. The laser show was a huge success and left the audience in awe.

Set crew

  • Lighting Designer: Tomoyuki Soramoto 
  • Lighting: ATFS 
  • Lasers: Real Rock Design

Check out Tomoyuki Soramoto's Work Online

See the show in action below

See more photos from the show below

Green Laser Beam project around the venue as models walk the runway
The Puma logo is displayed at the end of the runway
Laser programmers use BEYOND software to program the lasers

Laser Technology Used

TIX Lights Up the Stage at Oslo Spektrum
Le Perle by Dragone



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